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Deco Underglazes

deco glazes stockists

Used by experts

Deco Underglazes are used by

  • professional ceramicists, potters
  • amateur hobbyists
  • primary schools
  • high schools
  • TAFE Colleges

Deco Glazes in use


Deco Underglazes are made locally in our Brisbane Pottery Supplies premises.

deco glazes testThe underglazes are produced from the highest quality raw materials and stains to create a reliable and consistent product.

For the testing of the underglazes, small tiles are made from fine white earthenware clay rolled out and allowed to dry. The underglaze can also be applied to green or bisque ware.

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During the processing stage, after the colour has passed through a 200# sieve, small samples are taken of each colour and using a soft bristled brush colour is applied in three even coats to the bisque tile. The bisque coloured sample tile is then given 2-3 coats of Deco Superior Clear Glaze and fired to 1130 C with a 20 minute soak.

Deco Underglazes are able to be used from earthenware to stoneware temperatures reliably and every batch is tested for quality and finish.

Deco Underglazes are used by professional ceramicists, potters and amateur hobbyists alike. Primary and high schools and TAFE’s also use Deco Underglazes because of its reliability and ease of application.

Our Process